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Dwyer 风管对接式风速测量装置 STRA系列

Integral Flow Straightener, Ideal for Turbulent Measuring Conditions

The Series STRA Airflow Measurement Station is easy to install -- simply connect the tubing to the station fittings, then to a differential pressure manometer, gage, transmitter or switch. Single or multiple airflow elements are factory mounted and pre-piped in a casing designed for flanged connection to the duct work. The Series STRA utilizes an airflow averaging element in a head-type device, generating a differential (velocity) pressure signal similar to the orifice, venturi, and other head producing primary elements. It has been developed with a honeycomb airflow straightening section for use in duct systems having highly turbulent conditions at the point of measurement. Strategically located sensing ports continually sample the total and static pressures when inserted normal to flow. Total pressures sensed by the upstream ports are continually averaged within the airflow element in an isolated chamber. The static sensing ports are averaged in a second isolation chamber. Multiple elements are joined together for connection to a differential measurement device (gage, transmitter, etc.) for flow measurement and indication purposes.